
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Triple threat

I don't know what is up with this week, but they were exceptionally bad. It's not that I leave stuff around for them to tear apart, but they always seem to find something.

First item: A pair of new Spy Cooper sunglasses that I just bought Wils since he lost his. I actually had these in a mailing box, wrapped in bubble wrap, and on top of that hidden away inside of a bench cubbie hole inside of a basket. Daisy (or maybe Dobi) still managed to get to them.

Second item: I don't even know when this happened since we only discovered it yesterday after going into the backyard. Considering they are only outside for 10 minutes in the morning and maybe 10 minutes at night, I don't really know how they managed to do this. 

Third item: An old Star Wars bday card that had Obi-wan and Luke on it. Sigh... now only Obi-wan is left. I never thought the fridge was an unsafe place to keep things, but I guess I'll be shifting everything up since paper is Dobi's newest obsession. 

 This was my timeout for them after the first incident. The expression on Dobi's face is priceless.

1 comment:

  1. Does "time out" even work on dogs? I don't think they can associate the crime and the punishment. It's like punishing the guy from Memento. You have to somehow catch them in the act.
