
Saturday, January 29, 2011


Dobi is getting pretty close.

This is what Daisy was doing while we were playing.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dobi Eats Paper

So for the longest time, I thought that Daisy was the one tearing up everything. Anything damaged, food on the floor, garbage ripped to shreds was assumed to be the work of Daisy. However, with my super secret spy cam, I'm starting to feel bad for all the times I blamed Daisy instead of Dobi! Although I am positive Daisy steals food from the counter since she's the only one tall enough to reach it. I know Dobi loves paper, but if you have seen how lethargic he is, you wouldn't even consider him to be the culprit. The other day I found my hardcover book suddenly now a paperback book. I actually only found half the hard cover too so I guess the rest was eaten? And I recently just caught Dobi on camera ripping up a box and eating a bunch of cardboard! Gross. I wonder if he thinks paper is fibrous for his digestive system.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Howling corgis

I used to have a web cam set up so I could watch my dogs while at work. Well, lately, they have been terrorizing my house so I decided to set something up again. I decided to use AIM and do a video chat with two accounts. That way I can talk to them while at work and scold them. Unfortunately due to firewall/port issues at work, they can't hear me! Still trying to figure this out and hopefully I will get it to work soon! For now I just have to watch them at my desk while I shake my fist at my monitor. :(