

This is Dobi. 

You know how the queen mum has lots of corgis? Well, Dobi acts like he was born to be part of royalty. He leaves the room when you're making too much noise, he grunts when you've disturbed his slumber, and sometimes he'll just look down on you... like the way a king looks down on his peasants. He only likes certain people and he doesn't really like dogs... unless he is being an alpha male and humping them. Dobi has always been somewhat of a mellow dog, even when he was a puppy. I only know that now because Daisy is so crazy!

Likes: the beach, laser pointers, water hose, water in general, marking things, humping other male dogs

Dislikes: Daisy, sound of gum chewing, sound of utensils hitting a plate or loud clanging noises, being touched by feet when he's sleeping, going on runs with his owner

Bad Behaviors: steals garbage out of bathroom trash, likes to eat dirty paper and tissues found in aforementioned garbage cans, has been caught sleeping on the couch when we're not home

Special tricks: sit, shake, down, roll over, play dead, crawl, back up, imitation of a log